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We have Solutions

for Wrinkles and

Loss of Firmness

Dermacosmetic active ingredient complexes and biotechnological high-tech active ingredients help onmultiple levels to reverse the agingprocess, reduce wrinkles and loss offirmness, and significantly improve skin quality.

#1 Rejuvenation

for wrinkles and loss of elasticity

Successful treatment with




Some pictures speak for themselves: previously tight skin, visible wrinkles and poor skin quality – within 8 weeks of continuous home care, the skin appears more relaxed, smoother and healthier. The signs of time seem to have been wiped away.

In addition to home care, this testimonial was given a treatment at the bdr® beauty institute, which further accelerated the success of the products.
Users of the bdr® Rejuvenation skincare ritual are enthusiastic and loyal.
Scientifically based – successful millions of times over – worldwide.


We have Solutions for PigmentationSpots and Blemishes...

because these issues lead sufferers touse too much makeup, be overlycautious about sun exposure, and sufferfrom low self-confidence.

#2 Brightening

for pigment spots and pigment disorders

Successful treatment with


Even & Perfect Series

Set Brightening

Satisfied users of the bdr® Even & Perfect series speak for themselves: success is visible to everyone in just a few weeks. Especially in combination with the bdr® cosmetic treatments at the institute, the long road to flawless skin is significantly shortened. Redness disappears first, after which the pigmentation can be seen to even out. Spots become less and less visible from the outside in. Up to 86% in 56 days!
Rely on proven results instead of empty promises. Numerous satisfied users confirm: impressive results are visible after just a few weeks. Experience the transformative power of the bdr® Even & Perfect range – for radiant, even skin that will inspire you and others.



Scientifically proven skincare for youthfulfreshness and maximum hydration

#3 Youth Essentials

Successful treatment with



Youth Essentials

Before – After: 12 years later: A clear sign that the early bird catches the worm! The testimonial is a loyal bdr® customer and has used nothing else for 12 years. She says: ‘No more experiments. bdr® is 100% compatible for me and my skin has become much more resistant. My skin used to be sensitive and bitchy, I hardly tolerated anything permanently.
With bdr®, this imbalance was eliminated after a very short time
and I am glad that I found bdr®. ’
Scientifically proven, confirmed in everyday life: Trust in the effective dermaceutical cosmetics from bdr®, because it’s not just genes, sport and good nutrition that keep you young – but also an intelligent and sensible skincare ritual.


We have Solutions for Acne and Blemished Skin...

...because it hurts, scars and looksunkempt. bdr®Pure Harmonydermaceuticals help the skin to regainits balance.

#4 Purification

for acne and blemished skin

Successful treatment with


Pure Harmony series

im Set Purification

Happy customers and satisfied home users of the bdr® Purification care ritual speak for themselves: after just a few days, the signs of acne and blemished skin diminish. In just a few weeks, the success is clearly visible to everyone. Especially in combination with the bdr® cosmetic treatments at the institute, the long road to flawless skin is significantly shortened. These pictures speak for themselves – without filters and without post-processing. A clearer and finer complexion after just 4 weeks:
Scientifically based, successful millions of times over – champion against blemished skin since 2005.


We have solutionsfor  nervous,reddened skin and rosacea...

..because it feels hot, looks red, and caneven be painful. bdr® Neurocosmeticshelp to minimize inflammatory factorson a neurological level

#5 Neuro Rescue

for nervous, reddened and rosacea skin

Successful treatment with



Neuro Rescue

Your need for concealer creams and green-tinted ointments will decrease rapidly.
In addition, such products only improve the problem temporarily and superficially. Although make-up can make you forget any redness more quickly, you need the scientifically based and sensibly formulated NEURO-RESCUE care from bdr® to change the cause in the depth of the skin. The results are clearly visible within a short time. “The sooner the redness, heat, tightness and sometimes itching subside, the better, but I would never have thought that bdr® would help so quickly” … that was the testimonial in the picture above. After four weeks, or even sooner, you will notice significant improvements in reddened and inflamed skin, the skin’s immune system is supported in a sustainable way.

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